About Stuart McPhee
Stuart's Story
Stuart McPhee is a private trader of currencies and stocks, a property investor, bestselling author, a consultant to financial services companies, and keynote speaker at trading and investing events all around the world.
In his former professional life, Stuart was a full time Army officer in the Australian Army. He graduated from the Royal Military College, Duntroon (the Australian Army’s highly-renowned officer training institution) as one of its youngest graduates in its 100+ year history and spent 10 years in the Australian Army.
His military highlight was being selected to represent Australia for two years as an exchange instructor with the US Army in El Paso, Texas during 1997 and 1998, when he was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal from the US Government for his performance in this appointment.

This is where Stuart acquired most of my skills as a presenter and educator and he has since used them extensively with the personal coaching work he has done and the number of major trading events he has headlined around the world.
Stuart took his very first stock trade in 1996, admitting later he didn’t know anything about financial markets. In January 2000, he resigned from the Army and began to trade his own account a lot more actively (through the ‘dot com’ boom) as well as regularly conducting personal coaching, helping fellow traders discover a trading approach that is right for them.

For the last 20 years, Stuart has been regularly invited to speak to traders all around the world and has travelled extensively. He is one of Australia’s most compelling speakers on trading and since 2000, he has spoken live in front of tens of thousands of fellow traders from Mumbai to New York, Tokyo to London, Melbourne to Beijing, and many places in between.
He has helped countless traders improve their performance with his expertise in technical analysis, trading psychology, risk management, the trading process and developing a trading plan.

Stuart quickly learned that traders from various countries are no different from anywhere else.
They all face the same challenges and it seems that, generally speaking, the only difference between markets around the world is the names of the companies listed on the various exchanges.
He believes your education, background, language, cultural beliefs and many other factors are almost irrelevant when it comes to trading. Trading ability comes from within with a desire to learn and develop the skills and attributes necessary for consistent successful trading. He strongly advises that traders develop a solid trading plan that they will execute with confidence.

Stuart is very proud of his best-selling trading book, Trading in a Nutshell, 4th Edition, which was first published back in 2001.
He has contributed to a number of daily newsletter services, been quoted in various financial media outlets, written training notes for national training companies, as well as appearing on live TV in Australia (Sky Business) and SE Asia (Channel News Asia).
Stuart has a Bachelor of Professional Studies from the University of New England and a Graduate Diploma of Applied Finance and Investment from the Financial Services Institute of Australasia.
Stuart lives in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia with his wife and three daughters.
Feedback & Reviews
GH, Melbourne
RY, Singapore
KB, Brisbane
What Can I Do for You?
Market Analysis
I have written detailed market commentary of equities, foreign exchange, indices and commodities for several leading brokerages around the world. I offer detailed technical analysis providing a real traders perspective on price action, trends and key levels in order to assist clients make more informed decisions.