Trading in a Nutshell
4th Edition
by Stuart McPhee

Trading in a Nutshell, 4th Edition by Stuart McPhee provides the reader even more trading tips, after the original edition of Trading in a Nutshell was published in 2001. This new edition has again been revised and updated and includes more information about preparing your mind for the mental rigours of trading as well as more guidance on how to develop your own trading plan that you will implement with confidence. An added feature of this edition is a collection of interviews with well known market experts from around the world.
The methods outlined in Stuart’s book are written for all countries and all markets around the world.
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- Trading
- Develop a Trading Plan
- Commit to It
- My Story
- Put in the Required Effort
- What are stock exchanges?
- Stock Exchanges around the world
- Companies
- Other Markets and Products
- Stockbrokers
- Fundamental Analysis
- Technical Analysis
- Open, High, Low, Close and Volume
- Charting
- Volume
- Trends
- Peaks and Troughs
- Moving Averages
- Always Consider the Trend
- Support and Resistance
- Triangles
- Double Tops and Bottoms
- Indicators
- The Importance of Entry
- Aim for consistency
- Trading Style and Time Frame
- Trade with the Trent
- Using moving averages
- Trend alignment
- Trading strategy structure
- Using Indicators
- Confirmation
- Confidence
- Liquidity
- Weight of Evidence
- Sector Analysis
- Diversity
- Keep it Simple
- Checklist
- Stop Losses
- Inactivity Stop
- Trailing exits
- Stop Losses and Trailing Exits Together
- Profit Targets
- At Market / At Limit Orders
- Which One Should I Choose?
- Keep your Orders
- Importance of Money Management
- Your Primary Aim
- Risk
- Capital Preservation
- Risk Amount
- Position Sizing
- Probability
- Half the risk
- Volatility
- Averaging Down
- Averaging Up
- Adopt a Defensive Posture
- A Final Thought
- Buy and Hold Approach
- Aim for Something
- Discover Yourself
- Give Yourself an Edge
- Monitoring your trades and performance
- Paper Trading/Testing
- Attitude
- Confidence
- Patience
- Control
- Emotions
- Perspective
- Decisiveness
- Humility
- Discipline
- Get Healthy
- Trading as a Game
- Give Yourself a Break
- Ultra-comfort
- Focus
- Cut Your Losses
- Let Your Profits Run
- Follow the Trend
- Don’t Overtrade
- Never Blindly React to a Tip
- Always Trade Liquid Stocks
- Keep Positions Small
- Don’t Buy Something Because it Looks Cheap
- Keep it Simple
- Julie Melillo
- Ray Barros
- Mark Cook
- Alan Hull
- Rahul Mohindar
- Greg Morris
- Brent Penfold
- Dr Van Tharp
- Guidance for New Traders
- Discover Yourself
- Money Management
- Entry and Exit
- Your Routine
- Taxation Structure
- Information
- Computers and Software
- The Internet
- Recordkeeping
- Conclusion