Webinar Recording – How to Effectively Manage Trading Risk

On Wednesday 23rd September I presented a webinar on how to manage risk, specifically position sizing and trailing exits, using the MetaStock software and my own MetaStock official add-on – the Trade Launch Systems.

Please enjoy the 1 hour session below.


To obtain a free 30 day fully functional trial of MetaStock, please visit http://www.metastockaustralia.com/.   For more information on the Trade Launch Systems official MetaStock add-on, please click here.


Trading subjects don’t get too much more important than this. The first principle of trading is capital preservation and this session aims to impart techniques that utilized correctly and consistently, minimize capital deflation.

As part of the three pillars of successful trading, risk management encompasses two of the important decisions that traders routinely make – how much money to risk in each trade and when to exit. Learn how to determine the size of each trade and how to consistently and effectively set your exit levels.

Learn how the Altitude Trading System can perform all vital calculations for you effortlessly, including trailing exits and position sizing, using MetaStock’s Expert Adviser.